
Choreography meets neurodiversity in this solo show.

★★★★ 1/2 STARS  Dance review: CASTILLO, Dancehouse

Choreography meets neurodiversity in this solo show.

Leila Lois – ARTSHUB, March 2022

CASTILLO is an athletic, sensory, playful collaboration between choreographers Prue Lang and Jana Castillo, performed as a solo by the latter at Dancehouse, an…


FOOT WORK Pointes, Socks and Sneakers in Prue Lang’s CASTILLO


Pointes, Socks and Sneakers in Prue Lang’s CASTILLO

Gracia Haby – FJORD REVIEW March 2022

The sole is stamped with the maker’s mark, the size, and the width of the shoe. The sole is attached to the last with a staple gun, then using…

New Breed review: Always worth seeing, this year filled with surprises

Sydney Morning Herald -  Jill Sykes


Two intriguing surprises lift this year’s New Breed from its customary worth-seeing category into the unexpected: a world of the imagination.

In Towards Innumerable Futures, Prue Lang explores a time when artificial intelligence could take over the human race: would human skills of interaction, empathy and touch win out?

Stellar project – Claudia La Rocco

Dance Massive, Australia

It’s quite a thing to fly 18 hours; parachute into a continent, country, city, scene for a week; see almost 10 performances over the course of that week; and come out the other end with anything intelligible (never mind intelligent) to say.

As of this typing I’ve done all but the intelligible bit. What...

Stellar Project review: Dancers look to the skies for answers in work with universal themes

The Age / Sydney Morning Herald

Imagine creating a dance about the universe. Do you begin with science – complex mathematical equations and theories – or with philosophy, art, the human body – or even, perhaps, the daily horoscopes – for guidance?

Prue Lang's new work Stellar Project touches on all of these themes...

Orienting through Blindness: Blundering, Be-Holding, and Wayfinding as Artistic and Curatorial Methods


The building that houses Gertrude Contemporary’s Glasshouse gallery was constructed during the early years of the colonial settlement of Melbourne, on swamplands that would later become the inner-city neighbourhood of Collingwood. The original glassworks— proclaimed as the first in Victoria—closed mysteriously after just a few years. The building was taken over by a...

Spaceproject Prue Lang

The Age / Sydney Morning Herald

Dance Massive review: Spaceproject takes on infinite and minute

From beneath a small table, a dancer speaks of the “post-modern apocalypse” and “an implosion of meaning”.  In her program notes, choreographer Prue Lang refers to the human body as a medium for the comprehension…

Timeproject au Theatre National de Chaillot Paris

Ancienne interprète de William Forsythe, Prue Lang développe son propre travail chorégraphique sous une forme originale et délicate. Concernée par l’environnement, l’artiste nous interpelle plus spécifiquement sur la question de la production d’énergie.

« Il n’y a qu’un seul élément de l’espace : le mouvement. » Cette définition de l’architecte…

PARIS-ART Un réseau translucide


Alors que l'écologie et le développement soutenable prennent une place grandissante dans notre quotidien, comment le spectacle vivant et plus particulièrement la danse peuvent-ils s'approprier cet enjeu? La chorégraphe Prue Lang apporte sa réponse: une pièce dans laquelle l'énergie des interprètes est optimisée au-delà des «simples» mouvements dansés.

The former Forsythe Star pedaled on a bicycle in order to generate power required for her “Sustainable Dance Performance”.


Dance is as inherently eco-friendly as the Formula 1, but for Prue Lang it is not enough. The former Forsythe Star pedaled on a bicycle in order to generate power required for her “Sustainable Dance Performance”.

Description: Consume energy, produce energy. With which goal? People want to live as…

World Premiere Season at the 2010 Adelaide Festival

Australian stage

The 2010 Adelaide Festival will host the world premiere season of Frame and Circle – a masterful new two part production from South Australia’s award winning Leigh Warren & Dancers showcasing the talents of two of Australia’s most creative contemporary choreographers, Leigh Warren and Prue Lang.

Comprising two…

Adelaide festival review: Frame and Circle

Adelaide Festival Review

From the outset, the staging of Rubicon draws you in. The square is Wimbledon green, with marking obscure/familiar enough to hint a game, a court, an arena, somewhere to do a structured battle.

And when the dancers come out to play they do so in the sort…

Apocalypse and poetic infinity

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

The proscenium makes it inevitable: one looks at the other.
Seldom, however does such intimacy succeed in a proscenium-like construction as it does in Prue Lang’s exquisite “Infinite Temporal Series II”. The Cologne association “tanz performance köln” invited long-time Forsythe dancer-choreographer to its festival in…

Mord im Aquarium – Prue Lang’s innovative Dance installation in the Frankfurt Künstlerhaus Mousonturm

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

As soon as the music rumbles in the loudspeakers, as if under water, one has the feeling of entering a completely different world and stays in this world until the end of the performance.

The spectators of Prue Lang’s innovative dance installation “Infinite…

Temps d’Images à la Ferme du Buisson à Noisiel

Paris Critiques

José Manuel Gonçalves est au moins un directeur de scène nationale qui ne se contente pas des vieilles formules d’abonnements, et d’une programmation de goût moyen uniforme. Dès que l’on pénètre dans l’enceinte de cette ancienne ferme des chocolats Poulain, on est saisi par l’atmosphère de culture vivante.…

Borges narrative inspires a moving dream

The Australian

Australian choreographer Prue Lang has spent nearly 10 years in Europe, the past five collaborating and performing with William Forsythe, who revolutionized ballet technique in the most shocking, contemporary ways.
Infinite Temporal series looks nothing like any Forsythe work seen in Australia during the past few years…

Interactive gem, from any angle

The Age

In Infinite Temporal Series expatriate Australian Prue Lang immerses the audience in an infinitely intriguing experience.  It is deliberately intimate, with the tiny audience situated in close proximity to the dancers in a series of rooms, each with a bench along one wall.  Each room has a frame…

Spiel mit fünf Räumen – Tanzinstallation von Prue Lang

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Durch einen Vorhang erhält man Zutritt zu einem der fünf hintereinander liegenden Räume, die Prue Lang, Tänzerin des Frankfurte Balletts- für ihre Tanzinstallation “lnfinite Temporal Series” im Bockenheimer Depot hat bauen lassen. Durch Fenster, die auf den ersten Blick aussehen wie Spiegel und die sich perspektivisch in…

Ästhetischer Abgesang Choreografische Installation von Prue Lang in Frankfurt

Gießener Anzeiger

FRANKFURT. Es ist die labyrinthartige Erzählstruktur in den Texten von Jorge Luis Borges, die die Frankfurter Tänzerin und Choreografin Prue Lang fasziniert. Jene Verwobenheit, Komplexität, Unendlichkeit ins Theater zu übertragen, ist ihr selbst gestecktes Ziel. “Infinite Temporal Series” heißt die choreografische Installation, mit der sie jetzt diesen Versuch…

Erleuchtung im Spiegelbild

Frankfurter Neue Presse

In Prue Langs wunderbarer Einrichtung führt jemand die Zuschauer zu einer langgestreckten Raum- oder Zellenflucht: weiche Außen-, starre Trennwände in Schwarz. Die fünf drei auf vier Meter kleinen Zellen kommunizieren durch fenstergleiche Öffnungen; jede enthält eine Sitzbank und eine offene (Tanz-) Fläche. Man ist aufgefordert, nach Belieben…

Den Luftzug der Bewegung spürbar machen Prue Lang über ihre Tanzinstallation im Bockenheimer Depot


Der Blick auf benachbarte Kunstsparten ist für viele zeitgenössische Künstler selbstverständlich. Freimütig verwenden Choreographen literarische Texte in ihren Stücken, entwickeln bildende Künstler Installationen, in denen der Ton und das Hören eine wichtige Rolle spielen, arbeiten Theaterregisseure mit Videoeinspielungen, die ihren Inszenierungen einen zweiten imaginären Raum eröffnen. Jenseits vordergründiger Schaueffekte,…