Infinite Temporal Series II
In 2003 Prue Lang began a choreographic series inspired by the writings of Jorge Luis Borges. The series came from a desire to create a concise yet dense format of performance, in which the complexity of an idea is explored over many years. Consequently each work develops its own textual, perceptual and physical form subsequently embedded in the next. Lang’s interest in performance-making is the ephemeral state in which one’s ability to perceive, sense and project can produce an experience that transcends traditional notions of space and time. In Infinite Temporal Series II, the space is configured so that the performers, sound and projection of texts are spatially fractured, but take place simultaneously. The spectator is invited into an intimate and sensorial environment, from which to shape his/her own individual and multi-perspectival reading of the event. The result is a fluid and fascinating cycle of unfolding clues that correspond to the shifting perspectives on the underlying narrative.
30 min
10m x 10m
4 x performers
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt GERMANY 2007
Tanz performance köln, Cologne GERMANY 2007
Co-production : Tanz performance köln, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, Cercle Rouge France Supported by: NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ aus Mitteln des Tanzplans Deutschland der Kulturstiftung des Bundes. With residency support from Centre National de la Danse – Paris.